Conceiving corporate communication material involves three basic elements: planning, research and investment. However, a common mistake made by some companies is the failure to consider the same stages when hiring a translation service.

Corporations that market their products and services in different countries need to keep in mind that literal translation, mere transposition from one language to the other, can lead to the message being transmitted to the target audience inappropriately, even generating misunderstandings.

When content is translated, it is indispensable to consider that this communication will reach people who live thousands of miles from the location where the original message was developed. Consequently, it will be targeted toward an audience that lives, communicates, consumes and sees the world very differently. That’s why the translation process requires special attention and as much planning as when the original communication material was conceived.

The first step to ensuring that messages are transmitted properly is to abandon the idea that translation is a commodity or a simple activity, and start seeing it as extremely strategic for a company’s business. For example, in addition to being carried over into a new language, it is very important that the message also be localized. In other words, the text needs to be adapted according to linguistic and cultural aspects of the destination country. This process includes the localization of certain key parameters, such as time zones, date formats, monetary units, as well as expressions and examples adapted to the use in certain cultures and geographic regions.

Professional translation agencies are characterized by viewing the translation service as a demanding process, rather than an isolated activity. Delivering material with a high standard of quality involves the work of specialists in various areas, including native translators and editors, Quality Control, Design & IT and Project Management specialists. This multidisciplinary team ensures that the risks that could impair the quality of the final text are identified in advance and that proven solutions are proposed to the client.

In summary, it’s crucial to find a serious translation partner that doesn’t only consider simple transcription from one language into another, but also the linguistic, political and cultural aspects of the target language. Only then will the material serve its purpose of communicating clearly with the target audience.

About Netwire

Created in 2000, Netwire is a multilingual solution company that provides translation and localization into any language. With offices in Brazil and Argentina, the company serves approximately 25 market segments and has a network of hundreds of native translators, specialized in different business fields, residing all over the planet. In the past five years alone, Netwire processed over 110 million words, delivering an average of 400 projects per month. The company’s work methodology allows it to deliver high-quality translation service, which has attracted and earned the trust of major companies around the world.

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