Becoming a successful global brand – this is what many companies that try to leverage their business on several markets dream of. Interested in making use of all the available demand for their products, these companies have increasingly resorted to the services offered by translation companies.

After all, nothing better than joining a partner who is a expert to translate your message into other languages, in a safe and proper manner, considering the social and cultural aspects of where it will be transmitted, right?

It is important to point out: if you  wish to communicate in a way that actually captivates the foreign reader, hiring any translation company is not enough. You will need to find a partner that offers infrastructure, technologies and the right team of professionals to leverage your company’s results and, consequently, your career!

This seems to be such a hard mission, and in fact, it is! The translation market is quite scattered; that’s why, in this article, we will give you a “step-by-step” so that, from now on, you know how to evaluate the service options available on the market and understand what each translation company may offer as benefits for you and your business. Let’s go?

Evaluating a translation company : steps to ensure your peace of mind and good business results

There are countless aspects that contribute to the delivery of content with the highest quality. That’s why, when hiring a translation company, you will need to consider all measures used by it. The main ones are:

STEP #1: Selecting the market’s top translators
Through a recruiting, screening and selection system, some of the industry’s leading translation companies are able to create a database of the best language resources on the market, categorized by nationality, language and area of specialization.

The main stages in this system usually involve: translator selection and résumé analysis; a test to evaluate the professional’s ability in the translation source and target languages; analysis of consistency in following instructions and meeting deadlines; and finally, periodic evaluation to verify performance, consistency and adequacy in relation to the quality standards required by the agency.

When talking to a vendor, pay attention to this item and investigate it thoroughly, since it is fundamental: the quality of the translator who will work on your material may spare you from rework, delivery delays and other concerns. Don’t get exposed to risks that may harm your personal image inside your company!

STEP #2: Dealing with the most varied file types
A qualified translation company will have no problem in dealing with files in different formats, because it will undoubtedly have a DTP team and IT technicians available.

Hence, no matter the format of your document (PDF, JPG, PNG, EPS, TIFF, PSD, AI, IDML, CDR, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, HTML, MOV, MP4, WAV, etc.), it can be delivered 100% translated and formatted, with layout faithful to the original file and ready for use, sparing you from the responsibility of handling the post-translated content, and avoiding any diversions on the final message.

STEP #3: Skill with technologies and preparation structure
The best translation companies on the market combine the most comprehensive versions of translation tools (CAT Tools) with a preparation methodology that ensures proper and secure handling of files.

This may benefit the client in many ways, such, as, for example, ensuring file integrity and leading to time and money savings, as well as gains in terminological consistency provided by facilitated look-up in the glossaries and translation memories saved in such tools.

STEP #4: Editing stage at no additional cost
Few translation companies are equipped to offer a stage of fixing possible mistakes and implementing preferences as indicated by each client after the return of the translated material, at no additional cost.

This is only offered by companies that ensure the work they offer, and it is the result of a process focused on thoroughly understanding the specific details of each project. This stage ensures a high rate of approval of translated contents and the client’s loyalty, who feels safe in being able to count on this tranquility.

STEP #5: Backup and storage of the client’s information and history
Translation companies that serve important brands such as yours usually use robust servers that, when synchronized with translation tools (CAT Tools), run real-time backups of the work, thus eliminating the risk of losing any information in the event of mishap.

Additionally, after the translation is completed and delivered, the files are stored in a secure environment, facilitating traceability of documents, your terminological preferences and translation memories for future projects. Your information may be accessed at any time. Easy, right?


The advantages of hiring a professional translation company and how it can help you leverage your goals

Now that you already know what the main measures used by a good translation company are, it is time to get to know what are the actual benefits that they may offer to your business.

Solutions tailored to each scenario and demand: before starting your project, a good translation company will delve into fully understanding your scenario and demand. Based on this understanding, which entails knowledge about the type of material to be translated, its intended use, visibility and other factors, it will be prepared to propose the ideal solution to help drive your results through multilingual services.

This stage is usually carried out by the commercial consultants and project management teams, who interact daily with a variety of situations within the scope of translation services and engage with different corporate areas in order to understand the dynamics and needs of each one of them.

Multiple languages in one place: as mentioned, translation companies rely on a network of hundreds of approved linguists on their translators database. This allows them to work with professionals in multiple languages, who are native and residing all over the world.

By offering this diversity of languages, agencies make it possible for clients to focus their language service demands in one place, facilitating day-to-day management and bureaucracy at companies that communicate in multiple languages.

Accuracy and clarity regarding the actual work effort: when hiring a translation company, it will run a detailed analysis of the files to be translated, considering not only the texts and the number of new and repeated words, but also the images and captions, among other elements.

The best translation companies follow the international standard for measuring translation services, using the word as unit of measure. This format is quite advantageous for you, since it makes clear the actual work effort that is being charged.

Time and money savings, with consistency gains: before hiring a translation company, try to find out if it uses processes and technologies that convert repeat words into discounts for the client by means of memory management. In addition to saving money, you may also benefit from quicker turnaround time, because by working within specialized tools, the translator is advised of the repetitions and can deliver the material faster and with greater consistency.

Varied service offering: the services offered by a high-level translation company go far beyond translation and localization, including even additional stages such as text extraction, file re-creation, DTP and copy-editing, glossary creation and management, LSO (Language Sign-Off), SME (Subject-Matter Expert) REVIEW, among others.

Moreover, some professional translation companies go even further by offering customized multilingual solutions that go beyond the limits of linguistic services. They combine a team of professionals experienced in creating and managing projects with an extensive network of partners specialized in a variety of subjects.

Can you see how a translation company may be an important ally for companies that are or that wish to go global?

Communicating at an excellent level, especially with the target audience, is a crucial matter for those who are on this journey, and only a professional agency will count on the necessary structure to meet your needs! To understand more about how the structure of a translation agency can favor the delivery of a high-quality level material, we recommend reading the article we wrote about this subject. If you have a translation project and you need an estimate, talk to an expert on the subject:

About Netwire

Founded in 2000, Netwire is a multilingual solution enterprise that provides translation and localization into any language in the world. With robust infrastructure involving state-of-the-art technologies and the best professionals in the field, Netwire ensures high volume processing at high quality standards with quick turnover, precise control and project management, rigorous selection of native translators in every corner of the world, rapid learning of client preferences, secure and real-time data storage, information traceability and on-time delivery of the final material.

This solid foundation underlying Netwire’s services ensures a superior level of quality over other translation agencies on the market. In the past five years alone, the company processed over 110 million words, delivering an average of 400 projects per month. This experience has increasingly awakened the interest of global brands that comprise its portfolio of clients and positioned Netwire as the ideal company to meet any translation demand. Request an estimate via website or by telephone and guarantee the best solution for your business!

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