Corporate training and e-learning programs are extremely important for companies looking to stand out in the market by way of a highly qualified team.
Transmitting certain information or instructions clearly through these channels is quite a challenge. And when training programs are geared toward a foreign audience, this challenge is even greater.
If the audience doesn’t correctly understand the message, it will be unlikely to give the training its due. Moreover, poorly translated material can damage the company’s image and undermine professional motivation.
This is why some stages of the translation process play an even more important role with this kind of material, such as:
Review: due to the great visibility of training programs, a second look over of the text is needed to ensure that it’s as fluent, accurate and clear as possible.
DTP: During the DTP stage for this type of material, the Technical Department needs to pay special attention to animations and synchronization between audio and images, correcting alignment, truncated text and other visual elements.
LSO (language sign-off): after the content goes through translation and DTP, it’s important for a QA (Quality Assurance) professional to check the whole training program, simulating the user’s experience and observing the translation in its final context. In this stage, this professional will check:
- If all text is being displayed properly;
- If the animations are synchronized with the audio;
- If all sections have consistent verb tenses, capitalization (upper- and lowercase letters) and punctuation.
It warrants emphasis that these specific activities are carried out by professional translation agencies that view translation as a process. When hiring a good agency, for example, clients will have a Project Manager at their disposal to coordinate all actions, centralizing information and ensuring that stipulated deadlines are met.
When seeking a translation partner, make sure that these stages are included for your project. This is the best way to ensure a high-quality finished product that will meet the target audience’s expectations.
About Netwire
Created in 2000, Netwire is the Latin American market leader, offering translations into any language. With offices in Brazil and Argentina, the company serves approximately 25Â market segments and has a network of hundreds of tested native translators, residing all over the planet. In the past five years alone, Netwire processed over 110Â million words, delivering an average of 400Â projects per month.