Although the native translator is commonly associated with translations with the highest level of accuracy and quality, did you know that he/she is not always indispensable for your project? For example, if the content that needs to be translated has lower visibility, it is very likely that a translator with good knowledge of the source and target language will be able to meet the goals your company wants to achieve.
In which situation is it advisable to hire a native translator?
The first step in planning your content translation is to evaluate the material purpose of use. As stated earlier, content with low visibility, such as those that will not be served to the end customer of a company, do not always require a native translator.
On the other hand, if the objective of the material to be translated is to impress the reader, keeping a dialogue in line with the way he/she communicates on a daily basis, the presence of a native translator is very important. After all, all communication is marked by culture and nothing like a professional who resides in the place and experiences the cultural aspects of the target language to carry out a translation with which the reader will identify.
In addition to that, language is constantly evolving. New words and expressions arise from time to time to explain new concepts. Thus, a native translator will remain fully updated regarding the evolution of the language itself.
Reinforcing: Before making any decision, you must carefully evaluate the purpose of the content to be translated to decide whether or not you should opt for a translator who carries the cultural baggage of the language.
After evaluating the scenario, it is time to seek a native translator
Let’s assume your company evaluated the purpose of the material and concluded that, because of its importance and visibility, the best choice is to hire a native translator with specific knowledge about your market. Would you know where to find him/her?
Turning to high-performance translation agencies is a great decision in these cases, because besides having a bank of translators categorized by nationality, language, and specialization, they also adopt technologies that ensure a high-quality standard for the projects. After all, hiring a native translator is only the first step towards success. It is also very important to consider the benefits package that will come with choosing this partner.
The use of technology is already widely disseminated in the translation agencies and brings several advantages to the customer, such as greater agility to process large volumes in short time frames, information traceability – terminological preferences, for example – secure data storage, translation backup in real time and, finally, confidentiality and punctuality when returning the material.
For some tips to keep in mind when hiring this kind of partner, click here and read our article about the subject.
About Netwire
Founded in 2000, Netwire is a multilingual solution enterprise that provides translation and localization into any language in the world. Headquartered in Brazil, the company has an office in Argentina and presence in North America and Europe. With a robust infrastructure involving state-of-the-art technologies and the best professionals in the field, Netwire ensures high volume processing with high quality standards in short deadlines, precise control and project management, accurate selection of native translators in all four corners of the world, rapid learning of customer preferences, secure and real-time data storage, information traceability and timely delivery of the final material.
This solid foundation on which Netwire services are anchored ensures a superior level of quality over other translation agencies in the market. In the past five years alone, the company processed over 110Â million words, delivering an average of 400Â projects per month. This experience has increasingly awakened the interest of global brands that comprise its portfolio of clients and positioned Netwire as the ideal company to meet any translation demand. Request an estimate via website or by telephone and guarantee the best solution for your business!